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royalty, royalties, royalty rate, licensing, licenses, intellectual property, ip, infringement, patent, trademark, copyright, valuation...
The Intellectual Property Management Institute is a part of the RoyaltySource suite of professional services. IPMi Mission Professional practitioners, corporate managers, regulators and academics in the field of intellectual property are faced with an ever-changing landscape of economic, legal and tax issues that can affect the successful attainment of their objectives. The purpose of the Intellectual Property Management Institute is to gather and disseminate practical information and addressing a wide range of these issues, sourced from those who are on the front lines of IP involvement. This growing body of knowledge is available to all without charge and it is hoped that it will serve to advance the field of intellectual property management and exploitation. ARTICLE INDEX RULES FOR SUBMISSION Gordon V. Smith Founder of IPMi David G. Weiler Executive Director of RoyaltySource...