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We are a specialised property management company well used to dealing with the intricate time consuming and delicate hands-on job of looking after customers who demand a personalised management service in respect of their property portfolios...
useover=if(MSFPhover) document['MSFPnav1'].src=MSFPnav1h.src onmouseout=if(MSFPhover) document['MSFPnav1'].src=MSFPnav1n.src> heme110_hbtn_a.gif); } // --> ns align=middle name=MSFPnav4> navigation--> Introduction To Our Company We are a specialised property management company well used to dealing with the intricate time consuming and delicate hands-on job of looking after customers who demand a personalised management service in respect of their property portfolios. We are able to offer MDA Windows - one of the best proven property manager software systems - which is fully integrated for real-time data capturing and processing, for debtors and creditors, and also provides the full range of live reporting functions. What We Can Do For You Our hands-on knowledge of our buildings and tenants enables us to pre-empt and resolve day-to-day problems such as tenant management issues, timeous rental collections, arrears, legal issues, tenant renewals and new tenant leasin...