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AK Property Management
Carla King
PO BOX 60833
Irvine, CA 92602
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    AK Property Management, Inc.

    Leasing Units

    bullet Advertise rentals
    bullet Answer phone inquiries about vacancies
    bullet Show vacant units
    bullet Accept rental applications
    bullet Run credit checks
    bullet Select tenants
    bullet Accept initial rents and deposits
    bullet Negotiate rental leases
    bullet Sign leases and sign property condition checklist
    bullet Give required disclosure forms

    Property Turnover

    bullet Inspect unit upon tenant move-in
    bullet Inspect unit upon tenant move-out
    bullet Supervise general cleaning of unit upon tenant move-out
    bullet Supervise cleaning of floors, carpets and rugs
    bullet Paint walls, baseboards, ceilings, lights and built-in shelves
    bullet Order the cleaning of kitchen cabinets, countertops, sinks, stove, oven and refrigerator
    bullet Order the cleaning of bathtubs, showers, toilets and plumbing fixtures
    bullet Order the repair of doors, windows, window coverings, and mini-blinds

    Rent Collection

    bullet Collect rents
    bullet Promote and establish auto draft and electronic payment accounts
    bullet Sign and send rent receipts
    bullet Maintain rent-collection records
    bullet Collect late rents and charges
    bullet Inform Owner of late rents
    bullet Prepare late rent notices
    bullet Serve late rent, pay or quit, and unlawful detainer notices
    bullet Serve rent increase and tenancy termination notices
    bullet Deposit rent collections in bank


    bullet Conduct monthly drive-by inspections
    bullet Conduct semiannual interior inspections
    bullet Provide monthly report of maintenance, repairs, and utility expenses to Owner
    bullet Give rental violation notices when applicable
    bullet Order the cleaning of hallways and entryways and other common areas
    bullet Replace light bulbs in common areas
    bullet Drain water heaters
    bullet Order the cleaning of garbage and debris on grounds
    bullet Order the cleaning of stairs, decks, patios, façades and sidewalks

    Repairs (arranging for repairs for the following issues)

    bullet Accept tenant complaints and repair requests
    bullet Inform Owner of maintenance and repair needs
    bullet Categorize and maintain written log of tenant complaints
    bullet Plumbing stoppages
    bullet Garbage disposal stoppages/repairs
    bullet Faucet leaks/washer replacement
    bullet Toilet repairs
    bullet Stove burners/hinges/knobs repair or replacement
    bullet Appliance repair
    bullet Light switch and outlet repair/replacement
    bullet Heater thermostat repair
    bullet Window repair/replacement
    bullet Painting (interior/exterior)
    bullet Key replacement
    bullet Handle all other routine maintenance and repairs
    bullet Coordinate repairs with contractors if needed (with owner approval for jobs more than $50)

    Other Responsibilities

    bullet Provide phone number to tenants as an emergency contact number. Within reason, Manager should be able to respond at any time to an emergency.
    bullet Meet or call Owner monthly to consult on any job priorities and give updated reports on status of residents and management priorities.
    bullet Submit monthly time sheets to Owner detailing activities, materials purchased and receipts when required.
    bullet Manager will keep the following day(s) and times available for routine maintenance: Monday through Friday 9 am – 5 pm

    AK Property Management, Inc.
    AK Property Management

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